You can place a bank account of file with to pay for fees; however, you cannot use this account to pay for merchandise you purchased. You must make payment arrangements directly with the seller of the item for these transactions.
Adding a Bank Account:
- Go to My GunBroker>Account>Billing Info. The Billing Information page displays.
- Scroll to Bank Information.
- Click Add Bank Account. The Add a Bank Account on File page displays.
- Enter your account information.
- Click Save.
Validating Your Bank Account:
We use a temporary deposit to verify ownership of your account. Here's how it works:
Step 1: Using the account information you entered, deposits an amount less than $1 into your account within three days. We then remove the deposit from your account immediately so your account balance is unaffected.
Step 2: You confirm the amount deposited into your account. The deposit description will be "ACCTVERIFY." Write the amount down - you will need it to validate the account.
Step 3: Enter the deposit amount on the Account Validation page. To enter the validation deposit amount on the Account Validation page:
- Go to My GunBroker>Account>Billing Info. The Billing Information page displays.
- Scroll to Bank Information.
- Click Validate Account next to the account you want to validate.
Account ownership is immediately verified, and your account is validated.