You can see both your Current Balance and the Amount Owed in the current billing cycle. We run billing on a one-month delay, so January transactions are billed in February, February transactions are billed in March, and so on. We send tax statement on the 1st of the month letting you know what will be billed on the 12th. Selling fee statements are sent on the 5th of the month and that billing occurs on the 22nd.
You can see the details for charges at any time by going to Welcome>My Account>Billing Info>Monthly Statements for the activity already sent in a billing statement. For current information, go to Welcome>My Account>Billing Info>Recent Activity. Current charges that are not due will show on this page. Charges that are due in the current billing cycle or have been due can be seen in the Monthly Billing Statements by month, available from the drop down menu.
To view your account balance:
- Click Welcome> Account.
- In Billing Info you will see what you owe currently, this billing cycle.
- Select View to see more information: Recent Activity, Make a Payment, Monthly Statements.
Or, navigate Account>Billing Info from the menu on the left.
To view month-to-date activity and billing statements:
- Click Welcome> Account.
- Select Billing Info>View.
- Select View to see more information: Recent Activity, Make a Payment, Monthly Statements.
The Account Status page allows you to select a statement to view/print, and shows you current month-to-date activity not yet due.
For more information on current activity and billing statements, see:
Current Billing Information and Monthly Statements