The Shopping Cart allows users to purchase items from multiple listings and sellers at the same time. With the Shopping Cart, you'll only need to enter your credit card information once, but credit cards will be charged for each line item independently on official statements.
When the cart is enabled for your account, you'll find the new icon and item count appear at the top right next to your username.
New Add to Cart button on listings
Eligible items will also display Add to Cart instead of the previous "Buy Now" button.
- Fixed-priced items or auctions with a Buy Now price enabled
- Have free or fixed-priced shipping costs, or use a Shipping Profile
- Seller must have a Payment Gateway enabled and the item must accept credit cards
Using the Cart
Clicking the cart icon in the top right brings you to the Shopping Cart page where you can:
- Select which items to checkout with by selecting or deselecting the check box on the left
- Edit the number of items (quantity) you'd like to purchase for each listing (if multiple quantities are available)
- Delete/remove items from the cart
- Checkout any individual item using an alternative payment method
- Shop comparable items using the provided link
Using the Cart while Signed Out
Users who are not signed in may still use the shopping cart normally (adding, editing quantity, or deleting items as if they were signed-in), but will be required to login to complete checkout. Once logged-in, all items added to the cart while signed out will be automatically transferred to the authenticated account.
Cart Errors
If an item in your cart sells out or changes price, notices will be displayed both at the top of the page and on any affected items in the list. Be sure to make adjustments before checking out.

Won Auctions & Open Orders
If an auction is won and awaiting payment, the auction will be added to the Shopping Cart (similarly to other items, but in a separate section) for checkout at the same time and with the same flow described here, as shown below.

Additionally, open orders, like those created when offers are accepted, will appear here similarly, provided they meet the following criteria. Cart eligible orders must:
Lastly, note that while orders appearing here cannot be removed from the cart, they can be purchased separately via the Use Alternative Payment Method link. Won auctions and orders also do not have links to "Shop Comparable Items."
Checking Out
After clicking Proceed to Checkout you'll be able to edit shipping options and addresses for each item. This is especially helpful if purchasing a firearm or other FFL-required item at the same time as FFL-not-required items as it allows you to ship individual items to a desired FFL(s).

FFL Functionality
Items which require an FFL will automatically use the default FFL address on file (if saved) and/or allow buyers to select a different FFL for each FFL-required item. Buyers may also save an FFL selection as the default for future purchases.
The integrated FFL Finder also allows buyers to find a new FFL, if desired.
Shipping Validation
Each shipping address is cross-checked with a national shipping database which suggests alternatives for addresses in the database. You may choose to use the suggested address for each item, or proceed to purchase using the address(es) as entered.
Coupons and Layaway
Coupons and Layaway options are both supported in the Shopping Cart. Add coupons using the field on the right (multiple coupons may be entered, one per item), and layaway is supported using the checkbox below each, if available. Coupons are applied to items to automatically maximize their value.
Finalizing Purchases
After selecting FFL(s)/shipping and applying coupons, if you're ready to purchase you may also view full cart details using the Detailed tab (shown below), then Proceed to Payment when satisfied with your selections.

Simply put in your credit card and billing information on the Proceed to Payment popup to complete your transaction for all selected items.
SubUser Functionality
Since SubUsers can't make purchases on the site, they are similarly restricted from using the shopping cart.