Standard Checkout allows buyers and sellers to communicate shipping, payment method, and FFL information using the GunBroker website. Standard Checkout should be used if the seller accepts payment with check, money order, GunTab, or credit cards outside of GunBroker. Everyone can use Standard Checkout no matter how the item is listed or sold. Standard Checkout helps buyers and sellers see the total payable for the order and track the status.
If you can accept credit cards online and use one of our integrated payment gateways, please see Accepting Payments Using GunBroker Immediate Checkout for additional information.
How Standard Checkout works:
1. When a Buyer purchases a fixed price item or wins an item in an auction and selects the Checkout link.
Buyer accesses Checkout in one of these ways:
2. Buyer fills out the Order.
3. Seller reviews the Order and adds related costs if applicable
The seller reviews the order and adds associated costs:
4. Buyer confirms Order and submits payment if applicable
The Buyer reviews the order and submits payment by one of the seller's listed payment methods. Check or money order should be mailed to the seller's listed address. Information is provided at the end of the checkout process. |
5. Seller updates Order progress.
The seller should update the progress of the Order:
NOTE: By law, the seller must receive a hard copy of the FFL and retain the FFL for their records to complete the transaction. |
6. The Order is marked complete.
Once the seller marks Payment Received and Order Shipped, the Order is marked Complete. Buyer and seller can:
As of January 1 , 2022, PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, CashApp, ApplePay, GooglePay, Rhea, Walmart2Walmart, MoneyGram, and any other person to person money transfer application cannot be used for firearms, firearm accessories or parts, or ammunition and we do not permit it to be used on the site or for collection of payment for any of our transactions, as it is against the applications terms of service, and against the User Agreement, Site Rules, and listing policy. GunBroker also does not support wire transfers, as these are not able to be disputed or reversed, and therefore, are not protected. The Buyer's Protection Program (BPP) will not cover payments made with these applications.
PayPal / Venmo / Zelle / Apple Pay Policy on Firearms