Sellers can accept payments for listings sold directly through GunBroker's Immediate Checkout. To use this feature, sellers must have a merchant account associated with one of the payment gateways supported by GunBroker.
Accepting payments directly through our site allows buyers to pay quickly and securely as soon as the listing ends. Payment will go directly to the seller's bank account through their payment gateway. If questions arise from the buyer about payment processing or a refund is needed, the buyer will need to contact the seller directly. currently supports the following payment gateways:
- Fast Charge / ETI / Electronic Transfer, Inc.
- EBizCharge / Century Business Solutions
- Fort Point Payments
- Inovio
- BlueDog / Fortis
- Braintree
- Clearent
- CoreClear
- CyberSource
- Elavon
- eProcessingNetwork (ePN)
- FirstPay
- FluidPay
- Fortis
- Heartland (see Heartland terms for allowable products)
- Maverick BankCard
- Moneris
- Network Merchants Inc.
- Payeezy FirstData
- Payflow Pro
- Payjunction
- PaySafe
- PayTrace
- Pinwheel
- Pivotal
- QorPay
- Transnational
- USAePay
- Zen Payments
Note: Sellers are responsible for ensuring their listings comply with their selected payment gateway's terms and conditions.
If you currently use an approved provider as your payment gateway, and would like to use Immediate Checkout, you can sign up using the Checkout Setup page.
For additional information about Immediate Checkout, please click a link below:
- How to Enable Checkout and Set Up a Payment Gateway
- How to Enable Items for Immediate Checkout
- How to Use Immediate Checkout
As of January 1 , 2022, PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, CashApp, ApplePay, GooglePay, Rhea, Walmart2Walmart, MoneyGram, and any other person to person money transfer application cannot be used for firearms, firearm accessories or parts, or ammunition and we do not permit it to be used on the site or for collection of payment for any of our transactions, as it is against the applications terms of service, and against the User Agreement, Site Rules, and listing policy. GunBroker also does not support wire transfers, as these are not able to be disputed or reversed, and therefore, are not protected. The Buyer's Protection Program (BPP) will not cover payments made with these applications.
PayPal / Venmo / Zelle / Apple Pay Policy on Firearms