release notes for 2019
Version 6.1.14 - Release Date: 12/16/2019
What's New?
- COUPONS - Sellers are now able to create coupons for their listings. Sellers can pick either a dollar amount or a percent off amount, set the start and expiration date, set a limit on the number of times a buyer can use it, and set a minimum purchase amount for using the coupon. The page to create coupons can be found under the toolbox section of MyGunBroker.
- VIEW ITEM - If a seller has a coupon the best available coupon will display for that item if no coupon applies a image will show to let the buyer know the seller has coupons.
- MYGUNBROKER - Menu Changes: Created a new menu section: Toolbox. We have moved Checkout Setup, Listing Tools, Reports, and Coupons in this new section.
- MYGUNBROKER - Email address changes will no longer set the account to under review.
- LISTING - Scheduled listings can now be scheduled 90 days out in advance.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added new statistics that show the last 30 days of sold items and sold order.
- SEARCH - Added free shipping and immediate checkout images to items that qualify in the card view of search results.
- BULK UPLOAD - Listings are able to be scheduled up to 90 days in advance.
Version 6.1.13 - Release Date: 11/25/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER - Created a new checkout setup section that you can now upload an image for your invoice, update payment gateway settings, and update BitRail/FreedomCoin settings.
- REPORTS - Updated the buying and selling history reports to accept the 75 character title length.
- MYGUNBROKER- Added the ability to leave feedback, submit credit requests, and send out payment reminders from the sold order section of MyGunBroker.
- FFL FINDER - Added an icon to show which FFLs have uploaded their license on that can be sent to a seller once a buyer selects that FFL.
- PROCESS CHANGE - Payment Reminders can be sent anytime the item ends and will not longer initiate a Non Paying Buyer report.
- PROCESS CHANGE - Non Paying Buyers can be initiated 4 days after the item ends and credit can be requested 10 days after that. Payment reminders are no longer a part of this process.
- PROCESS CHANGE - All credit request types can be initiated 4 days after the item ends. The ending time of the item no longer applies just the day it ended on.
- HOMEPAGE- Added a link to the Self-Service Advertising platform so seller's can promote their item listings on
Version 6.1.12 - Release Date: 11/04/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER - Added "Voided Transactions" as a new credit request type.
- SEARCH - Updated the save search page to be mobile friendly.
- DISPLAY TIME - Updated the display time page to be mobile friendly.
- VERIFICATION - Updated the basic, extended, and foreign user verification pages to be mobile friendly.
- MYGUNBROKER - Update the fraud claim process to be mobile friendly.
- MYGUNBROKER - Update the request user information page to be mobile friendly.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the calculate final value fee page to be mobile friendly.
Version 6.1.11 - Release Date: 10/15/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER -Removed promotional comments and website links from the FFL sign up.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added a statistics bar to selling, sold items, and sold orders that show various statistics from those grids.
- LISTING - Expanded item title from 50 characters to 75 characters.
- REGISTRATION - Added the ability to add business information into the registration process.
- CHECKOUT - Added the FFL ID if selected into the shipping information box when viewing the order.
Version 6.1.10 - Release Date: 8/26/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER -New payment gateway Clearent has been added.
- MYGUNBROKER - Cancelling an order from the order grid will now go to the updated order page to cancel instead of the old page.
Version 6.1.09 - Release Date: 8/05/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the create and edit additional terms of sale page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the create and edit shipping profile page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the bulk lister page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added the ability to export items from the SoldOrders grid.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added the ability to export items from the UnSoldItems grid.
- MYGUNBROKER - Update the history report generator page to be responsive.
- SEARCH - Added barrel length filtering back to the results page.
Version 6.1.08 - Release Date: 7/15/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the item defaults page to be responsive.
- LISTING - Added a new field to input the GTIN of an item when listing under item characteristics.
- VIEW ITEM - Added GTIN to the item characteristics so users can view and search for the GTIN value.
- VIEW ITEM - Added a link to contact the seller when the buyer is viewing the additional terms of sale.
- SHIPMENT - Updated the view shipment page to be responsive.
- SHIPMENT - Updated the shipping estimator to be responsive.
- CHECKOUT - Added additional texts and buttons to the add on process.
- BULK LISTER - Added GTIN to the bulk lister so this value can be added to listings.
Version 6.1.07 - Release Date: 6/24/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the create a shipment page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated our error pages to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added a countdown for the amount of days you have left to leave feedback for a buyer or a seller.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added the ability to perform authorize only transactions with
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the email preferences to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the shipping profile page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added the ability to export data from the sold items grid onto a .csv file to be imported where needed.
- CHECKOUT - Added the ability to mark payment not received if the seller accidentally marks payment received.
Version 6.1.06 - Release Date: 6/03/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER - Added USAePay as a payment gateway for checkout.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added PayJunction as a payment gateway for checkout.
- MYGUNBROKER - We have teamed up with ChannelAdvisor as a way to list and manage your inventory. You can generate you ChannelAdvisor token on MYGUNBROKER under listing tools.
- SAVED SEARCH EMAILS - Auto extended items will no longer appear on your save search email if you have selected "No" for include relist.
Version 6.1.05 - Release Date: 5/13/2019
What's New?
- SITEMAP - Updated the sitemap to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the make a payment page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the monthly statement page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the links in the statements to go to the correct page.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added the ability to turn the FFL icon on and off to the FFL information section.
- FFL - Added the ability to upload a signed and dated image or pdf of FFL Licenses.
- FFL - Added emails to send stored copies of FFL Licenses to sellers when a buyer chooses one that has uploaded their license.
- CHECKOUT - Added a new payment gateway Braintree Payments.
- CATEGORIES - Added new categories for listing and searching.
Version 6.1.04 - Release Date: 4/22/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER -Added sort by expiration date to unsold items.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the add and edit credit card page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Sort order are now held even when closing the browser.
- SHIPPING - Added regional box a and b to USPS flat rate shipping options.
- SHIPPING - Added the ability to ship to PO boxes and APO addresses when using USPS.
- CHECKOUT - Added the option to select C&R dealers.
- CHECKOUT - Added the option of marking FFL received and marking FFL not received to the order process for sellers.
- LISTING - Added the option to auto relist fixed priced items which provides the option to extend listings after they expire if there is inventory remaining.
Version 6.1.03 - Release Date: 3/25/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the Membership page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the change password page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the change user name page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the add bank account page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the validate bank account page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the grids to support the 50 character SKU.
- SUPPORT - Corrected an issue where chat was not available on the support page to GOLD members.
- FFL FINDER - Updated the FFL finder page to be responsive.
Version 6.1.02 - Release Date: 2/18/2019
What's New?
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the add shipping origin address page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the business registration address page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the change registration email address page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the change public email address page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the change name and address page to be responsive.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added the ability to search sold orders so users can find items they have sold.
- MYGUNBROKER - Added the ability to search won orders so users can find items they have won.
- MYGUNBROKER - Updated the FFL sign up page to be responsive.
- CHECKOUT - Emails are sent to the buyer, seller, and FFL (if email address is know) when the seller marks that the payment has been received to remind all parties that the seller must have a copy of the FFL license in hand before shipment.
My GunBroker - Changes made from launch to 2/13/2019
What's New?
- Switched all links to land on the new mobile friendly My GunBroker dashboard.
- Corrected an issue where the items per page did not hold onto values when leaving and returning to the list.
- Corrected an issue where the billing page was not loading the credit card information.
- Changed the link on checkout for "Go to my won orders" to go to the new won orders page.
- Corrected an issue where the wrong feedback score was being displayed.
- Added hover text to the relisted icon to state that the item has been relisted.
- Added Offers made to the Buy Dashboard.
- Added Offers received to the Sell Dashboard.
- Corrected an issue were the sort order for saved searches were being changed when updating email notifications.
- Added the option for sellers to force complete an order on the sold order page.
- Updated all links to point to the new mobile friendly My GunBroker equivalent page.
- Corrected an issue where the time ending counter on the items selling page was calculating time based on user's browser timezone.
- Corrected an issue where clicking through the dashboard count showed a different total than the total displayed on the dashboard.
- Sold orders and won orders now default to "created in the last 30 days" instead of "created in the last week."
- Changed texts on all dashboards to be consistent.
- Changed the blue checkout link to land on the won orders page.
- Added the ability to relist with edit on sold auctions.
- Corrected an issue where the SKU and serial number would display if there were no values.
- Added reserve price and Buy Now price to the items that includes those prices.
- Added auto accept and auto reject price to the seller page if the item uses Take A Shot.
- Corrected an issue where starting bid would display on fixed priced items.
- Corrected an issue where reserve price would display on auctions that did not have a reserve price.
- Corrected an issue where the Buy Now price would display on scheduled auctions that did not have a Buy Now price.
- Changed the sold items filter to only display the values that are available.
- Corrected an issue where a credit request that has been cancelled was still giving the option to submit a Non-Paying Bidder request.
- On the won orders page the link will say Go to Checkout if the buyer needs to perform an action on the order.
- Changed the drop down order of the filter on the won and sold orders pages to reflect the flow of the checkout process instead of alphabetical order.
- Added Buyer Confirm to the drop down on the won orders page to allow the buyer to confirm without opening the order.
- Added the relist indicator to the sold item page.
- Added listing expiration date to the sold item, selling, and unsold item pages.
- Changed the icons for free shipping and immediate checkout to use the ones that are displayed in search results.
- Changed the text from "Create Shipping" to "Create Shipment".
- Corrected an issue where selecting the number of items to display was not allowed on mobile devices.
- Added filters to the sold order page for FFL status: All, Awaiting FFL, FFL Received, and FFL Not Required.
- Added relist immediately for unsold fixed price items.
- Corrected an issue where the ending time did not change on the watch list.
Version 6.1.01 - Release Date: 1/28/2019
What's New?
- CHECKOUT - Payment method and shipping method now automatically defaults to choose if there is only one option.
- CHECKOUT - Orders created are now in the status payment pending so both buyer and seller can update the order.
- CHECKOUT - Sellers now have the option to force complete an order and bypass the checkout process to mark an order complete.
- LISTING - The SKU field has been expanded from 30 to 50 characters.
- CHECKOUT - Added the FFL's email address to the order if the FFL is in the network.
Version 6.1.00 - Release Date: 1/14/2019
What's New?
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Version 6.0.20 - Release Date: 1/07/2019
What's New?
- RELIST - Sellers are now able to edit relist settings when an item has a bid on it to stop future listings.
- MYGUNBROKER - Changed additional links to direct to the new My GunBroker.
- CHECKOUT - Added text change to checkout to inform buyers to send FFL information to the seller.
- HEADER/FOOTER - Added links to the header and footer for GunBroker articles and videos coming soon.