Items which end without a winning bidder can be extended by the system with the Auto-Extension feature. Sellers have the option of selecting Auto-Extend when they list the item. To maintain users’ interests in an item (i.e. Watching), if a listing ends without bids, the Item Number will stay the same, but the Auction End Date will be extended based on the listings original duration. This also helps the seller by keeping one consistent listing selling instead of many ended but unsold listings for the same item.
- Example: If Item Number 10 is listed on May 1st for 7 days, there is an Ending Date of May 8th and an Expiration Date of July 30th. When the Item ends on May 8th with 0 bids, Item Number 10’s Ending Date will update from May 8th, to May 15th. This Auto-Extension process will continue provided Item Number 10 never receives any bids. On August 1st, Item Number 10 will reach its Ending Date and will be past the Expiration Date. The listing will neither Auto-Extend nor automatically relist.
Relist Even if Sold – This listing option remains available. When a listing ends with a winning bidder, the item will automatically relist, with a new Item Number, and the Expiration Date will be recalculated.
- Example: If Item Number 10 is listed on May 1st, for 7 days, the listing has an Ending Date of May 8th , and an Expiration Date of July 30th. Item Number 10 sells on May 15th, and Auto-Relists as Item Number 11, with a Start Date of May 15th, and Expiration Date of August 13th.