The videos below walk through the steps to list an item for sale on GunBroker. There are separate videos for Auction and Fixed Price listings.
How to List a Standard Auction using the Buy Now Option
- How to List a Fixed Price Item
Details on Listing Items for Sale
After registering an account, entering the necessary information to sell, and verifying your identity, start selling by simply clicking the Sell link at the top of the homepage.
The listing page is also available through the List an Item link in MyGunBroker:
Selecting a Category
The first step in listing is choosing a category. There are two options available for finding the correct category for your item: by Item Search or by browsing the Full Directory.
The Item Search tab suggests categories for existing items which are relevant to your search terms. Search for similar items to the one you intend to sell to select the appropriate category.
As an alternative to search, the Full Directory tab allows you to browse the category tree to select the appropriate category directly. The tree expands to drill into more specific categories.
Important Notes:
If an item is posted in the wrong category:
Items may be moved to the correct category by request in a customer support ticket. Incorrectly listed items are also occasionally moved automatically by (for example: ammunition posted to firearm categories).
Posting the same item in multiple categories: requests sellers refrain from posting the same item in multiple categories. For example, if listing several holsters, each should be listed in the Holsters & Gun Leather category exclusively, not in Pistols, Revolvers, or other categories. All items should only be listed once with multiples posted to the same listing unless materially different (like a previous year version) or in different condition (such as new vs used stock).
Once Category is selected, don't forget to fill out the requested item characteristics:
Adding Images
With the requested characteristics complete, select Add Images. There are 3 different ways to add images: Drag an image, Upload an Image, or Link a Photo via URL.
Item Description
In this section you'll give specific details about the item you're trying to list.
- Create an Item Title. It should contain the manufacturer, model, color, and caliber (if applicable).
- Add an Item Description. Include as many details as possible about the item.
- Select the Item Condition in accordance with the details of each below:
Item Conditions:
- Factory New: Unused items in the same condition and model as current factory production year.
- New Old Stock: New condition, never used or resold, but has been in stock for a while (can potentially be years) Note: This usually means the item is not the same as the current year production model, but please be as explicit as possible about model and condition in the item description.
- Used: These items do not qualify as Factory New or New Old Stock, and have been previously owned. This also includes collectibles.
Payment and Shipping
Fill out payment and shipping information as shown below, then set any state exclusions and the Inspection Period/Return Policy you offer.
Please make sure to list only the forms of payment you can accept. If you are not set up as a business that has an established merchant account and payment gateway - you will not be able to accept credit cards.
As of January 1 , 2022, PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, CashApp, ApplePay, GooglePay, Rhea, Walmart2Walmart, MoneyGram, and any other person to person money transfer application cannot be used for firearms, firearm accessories or parts, or ammunition and we do not permit it to be used on the site or for collection of payment for any of our transactions, as it is against the applications terms of service, and against the User Agreement, Site Rules, and listing policy. GunBroker also does not support wire transfers, as these are not able to be disputed or reversed, and therefore, are not protected. The Buyer's Protection Program (BPP) will not cover payments made with these applications.
PayPal / Venmo / Zelle / Apple Pay Policy on Firearms
Further options (including the shipping cost calculator) appear for certain shipping selections:
Auction Types
- Standard Auctions: An auction that has a duration of anywhere between 4 and 14 days. These auctions will be relisted unlimited times within 90 days. After 90 days is up, the listing will expire if not sold.
- Short-term Auctions: A short-term auction is an auction that has a duration of either 1 or 3 days. Short term auctions are allowed to relist a maximum of 4 times before they expire. For example, a 1-day auction posted on May 1st will have an expiration date of May 4th. A 3-day auction posted on May 1st will have an expiration date of May 12th.
- Fixed Price Listing: A fixed price listing has a set “fixed price”. These listings expire 90 days after posting. A fixed price listing can also have multiple quantities and, if so, will remain available for 90 days or until all quantities are sold.
Optional Services
After determining your auction type, you may select the following optional services.
PLEASE NOTE: Optional Services which can be used to enhance the listing must be paid for whether or not the item is sold. Option Service Fees will be charged to your account at the time the listing is created.
Once satisfied with optional services, the final step is to Preview and Confirm your listing details on the next page and make any corrections. If everything looks as intended, click List My Item to complete the listing process where you'll soon find your item available for sale both within the category selected and matching search results!