Quick Links:
Request to Remove Account Information
How to Sign in
Click the "Sign In / Register" drop-down located in the upper right corner of the home page and select "Sign in" to view the page:
Enter your User Name or Public Email Address and your password and click "Login".
If your login is unsuccessful, please verify you are using the correct User Name, Email Address, and/or Password.
Note: For security reasons, we do not have access to your password.
If you forgot your password, please go to the 'Sign in' page and select "Forgot Your Password", and the system will send you an email to the Public Email Address on the account to reset your password. Or, use the link below:
Remember, passwords cannot be reused.
- If you continue to experience trouble logging into your account, after resetting the password, please view the link provided below:
How to Sign out
To Sign out:
- Click "Welcome"
- Scroll down and select "Sign out"
Note: If you choose the "Remember my log in information", "x" ing out of the browser or closing the tab does not immediately log you out of the account.
How to Close your Account
A user is able to close his/her account without assistance from Customer Support.
Please use the link below if the following is true:
- Account is in good standing
- No outstanding balance
- No active listings
Request to Remove Account Information
You the the user or Customer Support can set the account to a closed status, but the actual account profile cannot be removed from the site database.
Please view the User Agreement Policy below:
Section 3 under the Registration and Posting Heading:
"...In the event your account is closed or terminated, it will be marked inactive in our systems, but we cannot delete your user information or transaction history."
How to Reopen your Account
If the account was closed by your request, you are able to manually reactivate your account by logging in and selecting "click here". Please see below:
Otherwise, please refer the Unable to Access Account FAQ, for instructions and information relating to your current status.