At the top of the selling, sold items, and sold orders dashboards in My GunBroker you'll find a statistics bar that shows information based on selling or sold items:
Use the controls on the left side to expand ( \/ ), pause ( II ), or go forward/back ( > / < ) a page. On the right you'll find a link to this help document ( ⋮ ) and the refresh button 🔄 which recalculates all statistics shown.
Selling Dashboard
On the Selling Dashboard the following statistics are shown:
Listings - Number of listings:
- For sale - all current listings
- Selling - that have a winning bid and have met reserve price
- With Bids - with 1 or more bid (regardless of reserve)
- Not Selling - that do not have a bid, or have bids that do not meet the reserve
- Fixed price listings - Number of listings that are in the fixed price format
- Quantity for sale - Total number of products for sale (differs from "Listings for sale" if multiple quantities of an item are available in a single listing, say if selling 10 magazines in one listing)
- Selling dollars - Sum of all current bids that are above the reserve price
Sold Items Dashboard
On the Sold Items Dashboard the following statistics are shown
Listings Sold - Number of listings sold:
- Today - since midnight Eastern Time (ET) today
- Yesterday - yesterday
- Last 7/14/30 days - in the last 7/14/30 calendar days, including today
MTD/YTD - this Month/Year To Date
Quantity Sold - Quantity of items that sold:
- Today - since midnight Eastern Time today
- Yesterday - yesterday
- Last 7/14/30 days - during the last 7/14/30 calendar days, including today
- MTD/YTD - this Month/Year To Date
Sold Not Relisted - Number of listings that were sold:
- Today - since midnight eastern time today and have not been relisted
- Yesterday - yesterday and have not been relisted
- Last 7/14/30 days - in the last 7/14/30 calendar days, including today, and have not been relisted
- MTD - this Month To Date and have not been relisted
Sold Orders Dashboard
On the Sold Orders Dashboard the following statistics are shown:
Active Orders - Number of orders created:
- Today - since midnight eastern time today that are still active
- Yesterday - yesterday that are still active
- Last 7/14/30 days - in the last 7/14/30 calendar days, including today, that are still active
MTD - Month To Date that are still active
Complete Orders - Number of orders created:
- Today - since midnight eastern time today that are completed
- Yesterday - yesterday that are completed
- Last 7/14/30 days - in the last 7/14/30 calendar days, including today, that are completed
- MTD - this Month To Date that are completed
- Orders Pending Payment - Number of orders created in the last 90 days pending payment
- Orders Payment In Process - Number of orders with payment in progress
- Orders On Layaway - Number of orders on layaway
- Orders Pending Shipment - Number of orders created in the last 90 days pending shipment
Account Dashboard
Sold Dollars - Total dollar amount of items that sold:
- Today - since midnight eastern time today
- Yesterday - yesterday
- Last 7/14/30 days - in the last 7/14/30 calendar days, including today
- MTD/YTD - this Month/Year To Date
Order Dollars - Total dollar amount of orders created which are not canceled/pending/abandoned:
- Today - since midnight eastern time today
- Yesterday - yesterday t
- Last 7/14/30 days - in the last 7/14/30 calendar days, including today
- MTD/YTD - this Month/Year To Date
Merchandise Dollars - Total dollar amount not including coupons/
tax/shipping for merchandise sold:- Today - since midnight Eastern Time today
- Yesterday - yesterday
- Last 7/14/30 days - in the last 7/14/30 calendar days, including today
- MTD/YTD - this Month/Year To Date