GunBroker does not allow the posting of illegal or prohibited items.
The buyer and seller are responsible for determining the legality of owning, purchasing and selling items and must make their own decisions on legality for themselves in their jurisdiction. The appearance of a product on the site does not guarantee that it is lawful to obtain, hold, or sell. While GunBroker does its best to prevent illegal products and services from being listed, some products and services are sold under false pretenses or aliases, others are not clearly illegal but also not affirmatively legal, and still others vary in legality due to personal status and an individual's jurisdiction. GunBroker assumes no duty to advise buyers or sellers on what products are legal without a specific actionable statement about legality from law enforcement, by statute, or by rule. From time to time we identify products and services which may or may not be illegal, but for which no definitive legal statement can be found. We provide the following (non-comprehensive) list of some of these products and services as a warning to buyers and sellers that they must do their own due diligence and make their own determination of legality for each and every listing.
Please note that GunBroker reserves the right to take down at any time and without warning any content (including items, services, postings, listings, etc.) determined to be in violation of applicable law, Site Rules, Listing Policies, or the User Agreement at its sole discretion.
Currently prohibited ambiguous products* (note that each is known by a number of different names and sold by a variety of sellers and manufacturers):
- 80% Lowers
- Solvent Traps
- Informational booklets or instructions describing how to convert firearms to full-auto fire or how to make silencers
- Full-auto conversion kits
- Plans for building bombs or explosives
*This list is not comprehensive.
Please see our Site Rules. We reserve the right to remove listings for illegal or prohibited items.