The vast majority of sellers are legitimate, but occasionally a seller will attempt to fraudulently sell an item on our site. If you suspect fraud, you should submit a Support Issue in the Help Center. We investigate all complaints about potential fraud, and we shut down fraudulent auctions.
Signs of potential fraud:
- A new seller (NR) without feedback or with only a few feedback comments lists high priced items for sale or raises your suspicions in other ways.
- An item for sale seems to be copied from another web site.
- A seller provides name, address, shipping or payment information that is different from their registered account information shown on
- A seller emails you with different payment information.
Protecting yourself against fraud:
- Always Request the Account Information for a user you have bought from or sold to. The information is available under the Won Order or Sold Order.
- If a seller emails you and tries to provide you with different payment information, contact Support and provide us with this new information and any other information you think may be suspicious.
- Contact Support with your suspicions prior to sending money to an NR seller or a seller with very little feedback. We have access to information about users which may reveal signs of potential fraud.
If you suspect fraudulent or Phishing emails:
Please review these articles, and if you believe you have received a fraudulent email, contact Support to report the issue.
Protecting Yourself Against Fraudulent Emails
Recognizing Fraudulent or Suspicious Emails
Recognizing Emails