Please refer to the FedEx Service Guide for detailed information about FedEx Pickup and Delivery Options, including Delivery Signature Options.
If the shipper requires a delivery signature, the Delivery Signature Option will be one of the following:
- Indirect Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at the delivery address; from a neighbor, building manager or someone at a neighboring address; or the recipient can also leave a FedEx Door Tag authorizing release of the package without anyone present.
- Direct Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at the delivery address. If no one is present at the address, FedEx re-attempts delivery.
- Adult Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at least 21 years old (and possessing the required government-issued photo ID) at the delivery address. If no eligible recipient is at the address, FedEx re-attempts delivery.